The Honorary Treasurers Forum is a membership organisation formed in 2004 to provide a source of information, research and knowledge for the Treasurers of charities large and small. It became a registered charity (No: 1118802) in 2007 and is the only organisation to focus specifically on the needs of the Honorary Treasurer.
The mission of the Forum is to benefit the voluntary and community sector by providing networking opportunities and resources to improve the effectiveness of existing Honorary Treasurers and to encourage more volunteers to take up this essential trustee role.
The values and behaviours which underpin the way the Forum works are:
- Ethical – governing the conduct of Honorary Treasurers
- Effective – being informed, educational, up to date, providing stimulation
and targeted campaigning - Collaborative – working with others to amplify our message
and enhance our impact - Inclusive – welcoming all treasurers and chairs of finance committees
Knowledge and networking

Research and information

For example, our first publication, produced in partnership with NCVO, was an exhaustive work on the Role of the Honorary Treasurer.
Our first major research project Philanthropy in the 21st century by Lindsay Driscoll & Peter Grant is a discussion paper prepared for the Honorary Treasurers Forum.