Closing Date: 11th March.  Based: Central Croydon

Home-Start Croydon is local charity committed to supporting young families (with a child under 5) who may be facing difficult times. We train and oversee volunteers to provide practical, confidential and emotional support through home visiting, family play sessions and specialist projects.

By joining the Committee, you would be contributing to the successful running of Home-Start Croydon and supporting local families.

The Volunteer Treasurer would be expected to attend the Committee meetings held every 6 weeks and working with the Scheme Operations Manager and Finance Manager you would be responsible for:

  • Providing a financial report at the Committee meetings in an easily understood format
  • Preparing and overseeing the annual budget
  • Overseeing preparations and scrutiny of annual accounts
  • Ensuring the reserve policy is viable
  • Ensuring the Charity complies with relevant laws and regulations
  • Ensuring the Committee is aware of financial duties and responsibilities
  • Liaising with the auditors

Full job description available on request

For enquiries: Sally Cloves spencercloves@hotmail  07734 933135


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