‘Toolbox for Change’ – A Better World, not just a better portfolio
Tuesday 29th October 2024 A presentation by Andrew Robinson MBE, Executive Director of CCLA
Tuesday 29th October 2024 A presentation by Andrew Robinson MBE, Executive Director of CCLA
24th September 2024 A presentation by James Bird, Director & Sophie Hamlet, Audit Manager of Grant Thornton UK LLP.
25th June 2024 A presentation by Emily Berry, Partnership Manager, Utility Aid.
21st May 2024 A presentation by Freddie Ryecart, Partner and Freddie Lait, Investments, Latitude Investment Management.
A presentation by John Foskett a partner at RSM UK and a Corporate Tax specialist (pdf)
A presentation by Ellie Grice, Product and Proposition Manager at Ecclesiastical Insurance (pdf)Givestar presentation by Alex Coleridge (pdf)
A presentation by Luke Hunter Director Investment Management at Evelyn Partners with market update (pdf) A presentation by Callum Maxwell Senior Manager on Cyber Risk (pdf)
A presentation by Nick Sladden partner at RSM UK Audit and Mathew Humphreys partner at RSM UK Risk Assurance Services (pdf)
A presentation by Xledger (pdf)
A presentation by Stuart Freeman, Head of Cash Management at CCLA (pdf)
A presentation by Lucy Hardy, Research Manager at CharityJob (pdf)
A presentation by Simon Hickman CEO at Access Insurance (pdf)
A presentation by James Maloney Charity for Farrer & Co (pdf)
An extremely enlightening and interesting talk by Paul is really worth watching. If any individual or corporate member would like to see the recording, please send an email request
An extremely enlightening and interesting talk by Paul is really worth watching. If any individual or corporate member would like to see the recording, please send an email request
A presentation by Nick Sladden, Head of Charities and Liz Wright, Risk Assurance Partner from RSM
A presention by Jennifer Sims and Russ Emmerson of Xledger. Presentation slides to follow
A presentation by Tom Dupernex and Katie Pytel of UBS (pdf) The talk by Tom Dupernex and Katie Pytel of UBS (pdf)
A presentation by James Maloney Charity Partner at Farrer & Co (pdf) Notes are available for members only by email request
A presentation from Xledger (pdf)
A presentation from Sarah Vibert – interim CEO of NCVO (pdf)
A presentation from Martin Rogers, Research Manager from CharityJob (pdf)
Presentation from Mark Salway, from MOORE Kingston Smith (pdf)
Presentation from Angus Roy and Steph Jackson (pdf)
Presentation summary by Dean Turner and Ben Potts (pdf) and Q&A Notes (pdf) Presentation slides to follow
Notes from the Zoom Seminar (pdf)
Notes from the Zoom Seminar (pdf) and Glossary of terms (pdf)
Presentation-Farrer-CAIFs (pdf) Presentation-UBS-Investment-Choices (pdf)
Megan Read, BWB Presentation (pdf) HTF Trustees Case Studies Presentation (pdf)
Summary Report (incl output from the meeting) by Peter Hanley (pdf)
Zoe Amar Presentation (pdf) Digital Strategy Helen McDonald & David Rowe Presentation (pdf) Developments In Sustainable Investing Chris Theobald Presentation (.pdf) Ethical Investing Professor Michael Mainelli Presentation (pdf) Getting Smart About Ledgers
Taken On Trust Presentation (pdf) Eccelesiastical Data Presentation (.pdf)
Dean Turner’s Presentation (pdf) David Stringer-Lamarre’s Presentation (pdf)
Sandra De Lord and James Cross’ presentation (pdf) Charity Governance Code Kevin Thomas’ presentation (pdf) Top Risks Infographic (pdf) Alan Rawling’s presentation (pdf) Write up of the meeting for download (pdf)
Write up of the meeting for download (pdf) MelinderJhittay’s Presentation (pdf)
Enriching the relationship between charity Chairs and Treasurers Shared learning from Chairs and Treasurers (pdf)
Highlights from the meeting – the relationship between the board and the executive team. Write up of the meeting for download (pdf) Launch of Get Informed – an innovative new social investment campaign led by Big Society Capital – download (pdf)
The Symposium explored some key challenges facing charity boards and Honorary Treasurers in the areas of social investment, fundraising regulation and cyber security. Highlights of the symposium for download (pdf)
What Trustees need to know about Financial Crisis, Reserves and Solvency Write up of meeting for download (pdf)
The Evidence Cycle – Genevieve Maitland Hudson (slide pdf) James Cross’ presentation (slide presentation pdf) Write up of meeting for download (pdf)
Findings of the Etherington Review into Fundraising by Prof Paul Palmer (slide presentation pdf) Write up of presentation (pdf) Annual Investment Update by Dean Turner of UBS (slide presentation .pdf) Write up of presentation (pdf)
Write up of meeting for download (pdf)
Write up of meeting for download (pdf)