We welcome new members and are actively seeking to expand the membership.
The Forum is open to those who currently, in the recent past, or expect in the near future to take the important role of a Treasurer in a charity. There is an annual fee of £50 payable to become a member of the Forum, a standing order mandate form is attached to the application form below.

As a member you will be able to attend the regular meetings and hear keynote speakers (see Events) and you will also be able to network with other Treasurers to share experiences and expertise. You will receive occasional briefings on issues pertinent to Honorary Treasurers.

If you would like to join the Forum, please download our Application Form

and either email your completed form to Roz Bott or post to:

The Honorary Treasurers Forum
c/o Centre for Charity Effectiveness,
Bayes Business School,
106 Bunhill Row,
London EC1Y 8TZ

If you would like to become a corporate member, please download our Corporate Membership Application Form
and see our Corporate Members page for the benefits and conditions.
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