We have been analysing the many resources available, particularly those relevant to Honorary Treasurers.

CAF (Charities Aid Foundation)

Demystifying Investments

Charities Sector Update 2023


The Honorary Treasurers Handbook
by Kate, Sayer, Judith Miller and Arlene Clapham from Sayer Vincent LLP and edited by Denise Fellows
The handbook offers essential advice, information and support for Charity Treasurers in all aspects of their role. There are many guides to charity finance but Treasurers need not only accounting knowledge but also the skill and competency to work well with others and to ensure that other trustees are enabled to fulfil their own responsibilities for finance. This handbook is particularly helpful with the ‘softer’ aspects of the role.
Published with the generous support of the Worshipful Company of Management Consultants.
RSM Emerging Risk Radar (January 2024)
Refreshed investment guidance for charities
What has changed – and do you need to act?
How reserves and investment policies are selected
Investing for charities ruling
Endowment investing for charities
Sustainable investments - A brief look at some of the key questions
Download your free copy here.
Charity Risk Barometer 2019 - Risk and reward in an uncertain world
Download your free copy here.
Charity Cyber Guide: your defence against digital risk
Download your free copy here.
Reclassification of charities by investment fund managers

Philanthropy in the
21st Century
by Lindsey Driscoll & Peter Grant (2009)
A discussion paper prepared for the Honorary Treasurers Forum which reassesses the role and functions of UK charity foundation management.


Topical issues